Monday, May 2, 2016

WemRu's Acres: An Introduction

As if having two blogs isn't enough, I have decided do begin a third blog. This one will be more introspective, more personal, than the other two. It is coming about because there are stories I want to share that don't fit in to Persiflage, which is about life, death, health, and inappropriate songs to sing at the workplace. Living in the Pinky is about local history, stories, and this area of Michigan that I love. (If you don't know where "this area" is, hold your left hand  up facing away from you. Then, find the pinky. There ya go.)

No, this blog will be about fixing up the house I grew up in, putting light were dark was, and my growth as a human being as well as a Christian. There will be fun things, mysterious things, a time to cry and a time to smile. I will share battles. Sometimes, I will share very trivial things. It is what it is.

I am connected to my past through touchstones, scents, dreams, memories, photos, lore, and by blood. My husband thinks I live too much in the past, that I let it hold me captive. But, I am a writer. We live in the details, the pages in our minds are full of  details. Important or not, they are all there.

I hope to share encouragement, too. The challenges that came after my old reliable types of jobs started disappearing. The new direction I tried to go in, the difference between failure and making failure into a tool, learning from it to continue to live.

I hope that some of you will find this entertaining at least, and encouraging at most.


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