Saturday, May 21, 2016

Heavy Metal

Yep. I went to a heavy metal music concert.

I was pleasantly surprised tonight by the ability to breathe in a bar where rock bands were performing. The last time I was at a bar with live music was the Tanz Haus, and graphically recall that the smoke was thick enough to have texture. Add in Elmer's traditional cigar and there you have it!

But tonight I went to the old Skate World, with my daughter, specifically to hear Lacuna Coil. Once I got over the shock of the transformation there (yes I know it has been years, but sometimes I cling to the past and Skate World was awesome!) I attempted to levitate myself up onto the very tall stools they had there for seating.

My daughter's boyfriend was working sound for this extravaganza and had actually advised us to purchase earplugs. Alas, we didn't take his advise. There was a bit of me saying "Ear plugs! These kids these days! I never had earplugs at any concerts I went to! I danced in front of the speakers! Wimps!"

Of course, things have changed a bit these days. It was loud. Ear plugs would have been good.

It has been a huge blessing to me that my background in music covers a whole lot of different styles, from old country to new, opera, rock, pop, folk, bluegrass... there isn't much in music that I don't find good. Well, MacArthur Park, but then nobody finds good in that song.

I had listened to a bit of Lacuna Coil, and liked what I heard. The female vocalist drew me. She has a wonderfully strong voice with good tone. I also liked their gimmick, their costume choice. I had forgotten the fundamental difference between studio recordings and live performances. (LOUD)  But I really really enjoyed myself.

There were three bands to open for Lacuna Coil. One was from Gaylord, Becoming Human Nation,  and I really liked their style and energy.  I really enjoyed their music. "Buckle My Shoe" was awesome!  The other two were from California, polar opposites in style and presentation. Painted Wives, the first of the California groups, brought to mind (to me, anyway) the grunge look. Their lyrics are pretty deep, and I am not up on current groups enough to really express what their style is. Good, though! And then, the band that looked what I expected a metal band to look like with major energy, 9 Electric. Now, that group woke up my dancing bones!

Which, really, made me feel a lot younger. Until my feet started to hurt!

Lacuna Coil. I know, if I were young again, that this would be a group I would follow. Although live music seems always distorted, the sound these guys put out vocally was pretty amazing. My daughter has good taste in music! I found the costumes they wear (for want of a better description) interesting, reflecting on the insane asylum they took their name  from. But the fun, the energy and enjoyment they had in performing showed through the drama and dark style.
I know my phone camera stinks. Sorry about that!

This is an excerpt from their web page:
“We’ve fused dark and horror elements with real life situations and have created a metaphor – we are fighting for a kingdom and a crown that is not what it seems, it represents the moment of confusion we’re living in and the very fragile situations we face every day." 

And, yeah, I know some of you all who know me are a bit in shock that I went to this concert and had a blast. It was a good time with my daughter who I do not see near enough these days. We enjoy lots of the same kind of things.

And music, music is the thing that connects people universally. Different kinds of music speaks to different people. But if you listen, the music you don't normally spend your time with may have as much to speak to you as your favorite kind. Maybe even more.

I don't care for the f-bombs and some of the so-called glamor of this genre. But, we all had fun. It was a good night. And that, I will take and run with. 


  1. Great narrative. Keep it up. However, I do have one question: was your intro photo backward on purpose?
