Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Still Alive!

I don't know why, but it is so easy to trip myself up and just give up on putting out effort to keep doing things I enjoy and want to pursue. Like writing these blogs.

So, after a time of feeling sorry for myself because I am feeling and looking my age (Oh woe is me), I am going to shake the crappy attitude off and get going again.

Calm, cool, and collected Tom

I have to get motivated anyway. My husband is taking trucking classes right now, and will be hitting the road soon in a big ole truck. He might be gone for weeks at a time, or he might be home nightly. I don't know. I know he will do well, and I know we need him to do this financially.

But I am so dependent on him!

This means I will be responsible for the critters, snow clearance, bill paying, and more. Gosh, what ever will I do? I have done it before, I can do it again. Honest.
critters aren't worried. 

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