Sunday, November 6, 2016

Bra Man

When I was little, I had a fuzzy pink shirt that I loved. I wore it and wore it, until one day I tried to put it on and promptly got stuck. My arms were stuck over my head through the sleeves. The top of my head was sticking out through the neck hole.  I needed help. I am pretty happy that cellphone cameras were not around back in those days. It would have been hilarious…now, maybe.

But now, this kind of thing happens to me a lot. Not because of shirts that are too small, but because of old age, collateral damage to my shoulder, and having to wear a bra.

Getting older is a bugger.

I tell you what. Had I been more adventurous and more athletic, maybe I would have less aches and pains. Maybe more. No one really warns you of the consequences you face with your life choices.  They are different for everyone. Some people get off relatively easy, others are riding around on a Rascal before they reach their 60’s.

Me? I am living with the pain of someone who has worked on hard floors in bad shoes for years. Lotsa years. I have flat feet now, and a huge knot on my left Achilles tendon with bone chips in it. My ankles, twisted and sprained many times as a child trying to ice skate or roller skate or merely get off the monkey bars, are managing to hold me upright and keep me walking. For how long? Who knows?

I have fallen down stairs and out of trees and off horses with minds of their own. No problem. I fall on the sidewalk, no biggie, hit my knees and got up and kept walking. Big problem! My WHOLE LEG turned black and blue, and in a couple more months, got this really ugly nasty infection in the knee and exploded!


People are in more pain than I, yep, I do know this. Other people have harder things going on. That knowledge does not make me any better. I am going to whine some.
Getting back to the point: Wearing a bra is a non-negotiable to me. I am a baker, and I do a lot of frying. “Things” are already in the way, and these “things” do not need to be deep fried. I am sure you catch my drift. Besides, I was raised not to go without.

Up until recently, I was able to manage dressing myself on my own. I have had that ability for simply years! Then I did something to my shoulder, and it is working on becoming a frozen shoulder. Ouch. This means that putting a bra on has become a huge challenge.

It doesn’t matter if it is the old fashioned fasten in the back style, or the over the head sports bra  style, or the front closing style. Each one has a challenge attached. The range of motion on my right arm (it is ALWAYS the arm you use the most that becomes lame or useless, isn’t it?) is next to none.

Why can’t a bra be designed to be easier to put on, to not have droopy shoulder straps or straps that show if you wear a doggone T shirt, for goodness' sake, or has so many hooks and eyes that it takes a freaking hour to fasten the thing! I am a larger woman. Bras for women like me seem to require that it be similar to a piece of armor, a breastplate, if you will. And if you get the right size one way, the other parts don’t fit. Ladies, I am not the only one with this complaint, am I?

But I have a superhero in my life.

My husband, bless his heart, comes to my rescue. I call for Bra Man, and he shows up!  And helps me get my arms and head and boobs where they need to be.  I would be late for work if it weren’t for his help! I wouldn’t go out in public. I would be lost without him. I am working on getting more range of motion in that rotten arm of mine, but  my hubby isn’t too bothered by having to help me.

You just gotta look for the silver linings, and they are there.

Except, he seems to be having more fun that I am...